What Makes A Good Kindergarten?
What Makes A Good Kindergarten?
Article by Preetam Kaushik
Published on May 26, 2009
A good Kindergarten Program not only makes the child literate but also helps the child get acquainted with the classroom environment of learning which lays the foundation for the future.
Research has shown that the role of kindergarten is crucial in developing the learning skills and behavioral pattern of children. It is reported that kindergarten has a positive and far-reaching impact when the child’s mind is in its formative stage. Thus there is a compelling need to develop an effective kindergarten program aimed at optimizing the learning capabilities of a growing child.
Kindergarten Classroom Management
While planning kindergarten programs, educators must ensure they meet pre-determined quality standards which will prove effective in fully meeting the learning aspirations of children. The central issue for any kindergarten program, for it to meet the end-objectives, should be strongly oriented towards curriculum and literacy. A well-designed kindergarten program must be flexible enough to aid the child’s individual personality development. Although it may be seemingly irrelevant, the classroom arrangement is certainly important and proper ambience must be created to enable the children to enhance their lessons skills in a progressive manner. Experts believe the classroom should ideally consist of many sections, including different features like a separate corner for block building purposes. Additionally, an area earmarked for nurturing the scientific spirit is recommended, where the child will have the freedom to observe and explore things.
Strengthening Creative Capabilities of Students
Needless to say, there should be a place specially assigned for drama and enacting stage-plays, and with it an area to train children in creative activities with appropriate art materials. Of course, as expected, an area must be set aside to develop writing skills and children must be provided with pen, paper, pencil, crayons and erasers.
The space for music must no doubt be provided although the child should not be forced into learning music if he or she lacks the aptitude. Last but not least in importance, is the need for an open arena to encourage the child to develop interpersonal skills and learn to communicate with other children in the school.
Focus on KinderGarten Special Curriculum
Development of literacy and language skills is an essential component of any quality kindergarten program. To help child communicate freely and meaningfully, the program must be designed to help the child enlarge the vocabulary and comprehend familiar signs and words. There should be a class for arithmetic where the stress should be on teaching the child significance of numbers. It will be still more purposeful if the child is taught to count objects and measure weights and ascertain volumes. Most parents are judged by how their children behave. Thus a quality kindergarten program must include classes to teach the child basic manners and proper etiquette.
Special emphasis must be laid on character-building, so the child should develop a spirit of selflessness and tolerance.Children should be encouraged to behave in a friendly manner with other children and not resort to acts of violence. A quality kindergarten program is an investment for the child in order to grow up as a responsible and law-abiding citizen with the necessary skills to develop a good career and lead a successful life.
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