Kindergarten Mathematics Content Standards
The California Mathematics Content Standards

A high-quality mathematics program is essential for all students and provides every student with the opportunity to choose among the full range of future career paths. Mathematics, when taught well, is a subject of beauty and elegance, exciting in its logic and coherence. It trains the mind to be analytic—providing the foundation for intelligent and precise thinking.

Kindergarten Mathematics Content Standards
Mathematics Content Standards
By the end of kindergarten, students understand small numbers, quantities, and simple shapes in their everyday environment. They count, compare, describe and sort objects and develop a sense of properties and patterns.
Note: The sample Number Sense problems illustrate the standards and
1.0 Students understand the relationship between numbers and quantities
are written to help
clarify them. Some (i.e., that a set of objects has the same number of objects in different problems are written
situations regardless of its position or arrangement):
in a form that can be used directly with
1.1 Compare two or more sets of objects (up to 10 objects in each group)
students; others will
need to be modified, and identify which set is equal to, more than, or less than the other. particularly in the
primary grades, Are there more circles or more triangles in the following collection? before they are
● ▲ ▲ ● ▲ ● ● ● ● ● ▲ ▲ ▲ ● ●
used with students.
The symbol 1.2 Count, recognize, represent, name, and order a number identifies the key
of objects (up to 30).
standards for kindergarten. Which numbers are missing if we are counting by ones? 11, 12, 13, __, __, 16, 17, __, __, __, 21, 22, 23, 24.
1.3 Know that the larger numbers describe sets with more objects in them than the smaller numbers have.
2.0 Students understand and describe simple additions and subtractions:
2.1 Use concrete objects to determine the answers to addition and subtraction problems (for two numbers that are each less than 10).
Pair up as many groups of beans from the left column with groups of beans from the right column so that each group adds up to 10 beans.
3.0 Students use estimation strategies in computation and problem solving that involve numbers that use the ones and tens places:
3.1 Recognize when an estimate is reasonable.
California Department of Education Reposted 6-7-2007
Algebra and Functions
1.0 Students sort and classify objects:
Identify, sort, and classify objects by attribute and identify objects that do not belong to a particular group (e.g., all these balls are green, those are red).
Students compare objects:
Which pencil is longer? Shorter?
Describe how the following 2 objects are the same or different.
Show students buttons sorted into 3 sets as shown and ask them to identify how buttons were sorted.
Chapter 2
Mathematics Content Standards
Measurement and Geometry Students understand the concept of time and units to measure it; they understand that objects have properties, such as length, weight, and capacity, and that comparisons may be made by referring to those properties:
1.1 Compare the length, weight, and capacity of objects by making direct comparisons with reference objects (e.g., note which object is shorter, longer, taller, lighter, heavier, or holds more).
Who is the tallest girl in the class? The tallest boy? Which container
holds more?
1.2 Demonstrate an understanding of concepts of time (e.g., morning, afternoon, evening, today, yesterday, tomorrow, week, year) and tools that measure time (e.g., clock, calendar).
If the teacher says to a class that a substitute will be teaching for the next four school days, when can the class expect their teacher to probably return? Tomorrow? Next week? Next month? Next year?
1.3 Name the days of the week.
California Department of Education Reposted 6-7-2007
Chapter 2 1.4 Identify the time (to the nearest hour) of everyday events (e.g., lunch
time is 12 o’clock; bedtime is 8 o’clock at night).
Content Standards
2.0 Students identify common objects in their environment and describe the geometric features:
2.1 Identify and describe common geometric objects (e.g., circle, triangle,
square, rectangle, cube, sphere, cone). Kindergarten Which of these is a square?
Given 5 squares of the same size, can you make use of some or all of them to form a bigger square?
2.2 Compare familiar plane and solid objects by common attributes (e.g., position, shape, size, roundness, number of corners).
Statistics, Data Analysis, and Probability
1.0 Students collect information about objects and events in their environment:
1.1 Pose information questions; collect data; and record the results using
objects, pictures, and picture graphs.
Identify, describe, and extend simple patterns (such as circles or
triangles) by referring to their shapes, sizes, or colors.
Mathematical Reasoning
Students make decisions about how to set up a problem:
1.1 Determine the approach, materials, and strategies to be used.
1.2 Use tools and strategies, such as manipulatives or sketches, to model problems.
Students solve problems in reasonable ways and justify their reasoning:
2.1 Explain the reasoning used with concrete objects and/or pictorial representations.
2.2 Make precise calculations and check the validity of the results in the context of the problem.
In a bag there are 4 apples, 3 oranges, 5 bananas, and 3 water bottles. How many pieces of fruit are in the bag altogether? How many different kinds of fruit are in the bag? How many objects altogether are in the bag?
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