Monroe Elementary
Monroe Elementary
300 Monroe Dr., Hanford Ca. 93230
559-585-3745 - Office

Welcome and thank you for visiting the Monroe Elementary web page. The Monroe staff is excited to have you as a part of the Monroe Mustang family. The Monroe web page is designed to provide you with useful information about upcoming events at our school along with contact information and other important information to help you during this school year.

At Monroe, we are committed to supporting our students as they work toward achieving their full academic and social potential. We dedicate ourselves to providing a quality education to every student by setting and maintaining high expectations for achievement and behavior. Students at Monroe are encouraged to show their Mustang pride by doing their best in all that they do, all of the time.

At Monroe, we believe that it takes a partnership between families and the school to make a difference in our students’ lives. We encourage all parents and guardians to be an active part of their child’s education by becoming involved at our school. Parents and guardians of Monroe students have opportunities to volunteer in classrooms, attend Back to School Night and other school events. They can also become members of the School Site Council (S.S.C.), English Learner Advisory Committee (E.L.A.C.), or Parent Teacher Club (P.T.C.). Information regarding each of these activities can be obtained by contacting the Monroe office at 585-3745.

On behalf of the entire Monroe staff, we welcome you to the Monroe family and we look forward to working with each of you toward building a strong educational foundation for your child.


Jaime Martinez


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